Heart for Orphans serves orphans in Eastern Europe and is overseen by two local missionaries, a married couple with two daughters.
In 1995, they came to know Christ as their Savior. The Lord put a desire into their hearts to serve and spread the Gospel for the glory of God as they were growing in Christ (getting a Bachelor of Theology degree from a Christian university, 2001).
Since 2007 they, as a family, have been serving Christ through orphan ministry as well as being leaders in a local Church of Christ.
We believe that God loves every soul – equally and passionately. We want orphans to know that they are unique and very special, that God loves them and cares for them no matter what, and that they are precious in His eyes.
- to serve abused and orphaned children and young adults helping them to step out from a life of hopelessness,
- bringing them the gospel of Christ and letting them know that the Church is ready to walk with them and become the family they never had
- to build relationships with orphans, orphan graduates and at-risk children
- to meet their spiritual, psychological and physical needs using creative evangelism methods in order to show Christ’s love
- to provide vocational training to help them become independent adults
We have been praying to expand this work through the Body of Christ with power of God.
«…For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope…» (Jeremiah 29:11)
You can financially support Heart for Orphans by visiting our Support page and choosing Heart for Orphans from the drop-down menu under either Individual Donations or Recurring Donations.
Or, checks may be mailed to:
Stoneworks International
PO Box 692175
San Antonio, TX 78269-2175
Please write Heart for Orphans on the memo line of the check
Thank you so very much for your interest in Heart for Orphans.