Thank you, Jesus, and all your precious people who serve and help bring all things together to help fulfill what needs to be done.
In this busy time, many healings continue to be done as we meet sick people open to receive prayer, and people coming to Christ.
We have weekly services in Eliseni, Secuinei, Soard and Tigmandru. Other invitations have come to share at Sigi Naz church, as well as in Lugoj Baptist church where a nephew is pastoring.
Project Romania gave furniture, men and money toward projects. Perspecitve Danes gave windows for houses. Dutch and UK charities as well as individuals from Germany, Romania, England and America.
We thank you for praying, supporting, giving and encouraging.
Only Jesus can answer and provide all to be able to do things for the poor and oppressed. And see His hands of love heal so many.
We wish you all a Happy New 2020.
Love in Christ from the McGuire family