Beuty Nevsky prChristian FestivalChristmas DownTown







A real winter season came, as we didn’t have snow till near the end of December. During these Christmas holidays God had wrapped with snow our city and we have a lot of it now! You can see many lights all over the city – decorations and Christmas trees. The downtown is fabulously beautiful.

Cold ChristmasIt was very cold during holidays, the temperature reached – 14.8 F. In such weather I want to keep my nose inside my house sitting with a cup of coffee. Despite this bitter cold, all over the city there are different events which giving an atmosphere of celebration.

During an Orthodox Christmas on 6 and 7 of January churches held Christmas worship and Christian concerts. In our city it was Christmas Music Festival, which performed various Christian musical bands and drama troupes. This is a good opportunity to introduce Christian culture and news about Christ to unbelievers friends. We have invited many orphan graduates, but not many were able to come. Technical schools, colleges and orphanages are taken orphans into winter camps, but some came to the Festival anyway. We went to Church full of people. It was great time for all of us. We were listening the Word of God, good Christian music, drinking tea and having good conversations.

Coffe in ChurchDuring Christmas season we bring gifts to kids of orphan graduates, and since mostly all of them have living essentials it’s not just toys and candies. One young singe mother with a baby girl has a lot of needs. Her daughter has an allergy and heeds special formula which is expensive. Also they were living without a fridge and washing machine. We have bought a fridge and a washing machine as Christmas gift to bless young mother and her daughter.

We hope that during new year God’s love will melt many cold hearts bringing many blessings.

Thank you for all prayers and help! Blessing in the new year!