Greetings Stoneworks family & friends!
The Bahtin Family Update:
In mid-April, we returned from 5 months in the states, staying with Elissa’s parents. Upon our return, we almost immediately “moved in” at Christian Camp Gideon, as there were already about 60 Ukrainian refugees living here! Praise God! Most moved on quickly, to start their “new lives”, but a handful chose to stay and serve with us for the summer.
Our summer calendar has almost come to an end. We hosted 7 weeks of Children’s camp (including a special week for Ukrainian children!) and now there are 3 weekend seminars/conferences left during August. However! Elissa’s due date is fast approaching.
Official due date is August 12th, but baby seems ready to come at any moment now! We’re hoping however, that Elissa’s parents arrive here first, so someone will be able to be with Daniel (who is entering his Terrific Two’s soon!) while we are at the hospital. They’re scheduled to fly in on August 7th, so prayers are very appreciated for God’s good and perfect timing, plan and peace.

To be completely honest with you all, it’s been a rough summer for us as a family. God saw us through and the camps all went great, but we had to make many sacrifices and we are just, well, worn. Thank you for any encouragement and prayers you can offer!
We aren’t exactly sure what God has in store for us in the fall and winter, but we hope to serve Him faithfully and cheerfully, in whatever capacity it may be.
Blessings to you all! We love and miss everyone!
Dmitri & Elissa Bahtin